How positive are you? Try to answer this question with regard to your work, life, and everything that you do. In fact, if you are honestly able to grade your positive quotient, you will realize immediately that your positive energy has a lot to do with your growth, success, failure, and opportunities. Have you ever noticed that the most successful people are very positive in whatever they do? They are sure of their success because they focus on positive energy. It is very simple to get into their shoes and start becoming a positive crusader. Here is a small process that helps you get into the positive crusade group.
Become a positive person. Count the number of times you crib, complain, or get irritated over things. Likewise, count the number of times you appreciate the people and things around you. Work to increase the latter count a lot more than the former count. Most of the times, if you notice, you fail to appreciate the importance of situations. There are many situations that play a significant role in determining future consequences. Hence, it would be great if you can stop for a moment and learn to appreciate your current situation. Thus, you attain the first step to become a positive crusader.
Once you become a positive crusader, start vibrating positive energy to others. Minimize negative interactions with people. You must get used to this as you have already dealt with negative interactions with yourself. You should be able to vibrate positive energy to all the people around you. Very soon, you will realize that the more you radiate positive energy, the more you receive it. In fact, most of the times you receive more positive energy than you radiate. This is because of the fact that most people are waiting to receive positive energy. How often have you read that a simple Thank You makes a lot of difference in someone’s day? Why not begin it today?
Next, you need to reinforce positive energy to the same people repeatedly. This helps strengthen the positivity spiral. This helps in getting rid of any negative energy around the people who live with you. You will recognize that such reinforcement will change the atmosphere of the place and attitude of various people towards you. It is always better to say Thanks a good number of times rather than presume that the other person has received your thanks.
Finally, you need to be recognized by one and all that you are a very positive person. How can you do that? You can achieve this by reinforcing positive energy with every individual that you come across everyday. Thus, friends and acquaintances should interact about your positive energy. This will be an invisible positive force that increases your positive quotient. Thus, your name becomes synonymous with positive energy and you will be famous for all your good deeds and people forgive you even if you stumble with some mistakes. Well, it is left for you to understand the importance of positive energy later and the miracles it endows upon you.
Begin today and start your journey of positive crusading and try to stray away from negativity spirals that are cause of misunderstanding, miscalculating, misinterpreting, and finally all mishaps. This is your chance to understand and appreciate the importance of positive energy and bring it upon everyone.